Rachel East
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Rachel East
ModeratorHi Casey!
Another Ravenclaw Type 4, I love it! 😉 As a Tribe Member and an ISFJ, I’m guessing you value people and connection quite a lot. And it’s natural that if your field feels more like “helping rich people get richer,” you’d feel disconnected from your work. I’m positive that there’s a way for you to inject more meaning and real connection in to your work, and I’m excited for you to see how that comes about!
Rachel East
ModeratorHi Abbey,
Welcome! You’re definitely not alone when it comes to feeling like people-pleasing tendencies have blocked you from knowing what you really want. I’m glad that you made the decision to end the cycle of job hopping and are going to take some time for yourself to get clear on who you really are, and what *that* person wants! 🙂
Rachel East
ModeratorHey Adam!
Knowing that you’re an Enneagram 5/6, as well as an ISTJ/ESTJ, it makes a LOT of sense why you struggle with over-analyzing your choices. Those personality types are particularly known for that! And I’m guessing, because most of us experienced this, that you were likely rewarded for being logical and analytical throughout your life; which then makes it harder to break free and use our other discernment abilities (like emotions and intuition). And it’s really those latter two things that we need to build up if we’re going to make decisions that actually FEEL good, not just sound good or look good on paper. Excited to help you do that! 🙂
Rachel East
ModeratorHi Amy!
Welcome back! 🙂 You know, I’m not actually sure that INFJ/Type 9&5/and Tribe Member totally contradict each other. Types 9 and 5 always seem to me to be more introverted, often inwardly focused types. And while you’d think Tribe Members are all extroverts, that’s definitely not the case. I think the “NF” parts on the MBTI often means you’re deeply feeling and empathetic, and that often plays out with other people. I could probably postulate more, but I’m mostly just spitballing here. 😉
I think it’s a cool bit of evolution that you’re willing to accept that your career doesn’t have to be your whole identity, AND it’s perfectly natural to want to feel confident about whatever decision you do end up making. No one wants to feel regret, of course!
I’ll be curious to hear what comes up for you over the coming weeks!
Rachel East
ModeratorWelcome, Stacey!
Looks like we’ve got a lot of Fire-Thrivers in the house right now, which is cool! And if your ENTP personality is to be believed, it makes a lot of sense why you were motivated to start your own business and have gotten restless and bored throughout your career. Pretty sure the ENTP is known as “The Entrepreneur.” 😉
It MAJORLY sucks when a boss is so toxic that it starts making YOU feel crazy and/or makes you doubt your own abilities. Sounds like gaslighting to me! I’m happy you’re here so that you can let go of that baggage and really enjoy being a thriving business owner.
And it’s a great compliment to hear that we’re able to translate sort-of-out-there stuff and make it palatable to a skeptic! Thanks for sharing that. 🙂
Rachel East
ModeratorHi Julie!
Fellow Ravenclaw-INFJ-Firestarter types unite! 😉
Your English is excellent, by the way! And I love that we have a French member of the PPVE this time around. 🙂
I’m glad that you said that you don’t necessarily think the job is the problem; that there’s probably a deeper reason why you feel stuck. We definitely agree and will get into that in the next 6 weeks!
Also, I love “your words are fireflies in the dark night” … that’s pure poetry, and a great compliment!
Rachel East
ModeratorHello all! You guys already know me, but I still get a kick out of introducing myself. 😉
It’s kind of an age-old PPVE tradition to share ALL of your personality test results, so you’re looking at an Enneagram Type 4 (followed closely by Type 1), FireThriver, INFJ, Ravenclaw. Hogwarts Houses are VERY valid personality indicators, lol! So, in addition to hearing about why you’re here and what’s going on for you right now, I’d love to hear about all the facets of your personality type, too. 🙂
Rachel East
ModeratorHi Mary!
I can’t believe it’s been a year since you started your new job! I’m so happy to hear that it still feels like a 10. You worked really hard to get to that place, and it’s nice to see you enjoying yourself! And having a tight budget because you chose to have a tight budget feels so different from having to pinch pennies because you had no choice, right? It’s so much more empowering!
It sounds like you’ve spent the last year pursuing a more well-rounded life–creating things, dating, adopting a new kitty, enjoying your new job–which is a really inspiring thing to hear. 🙂
And I think it’s perfectly cool to say “creating is my passion.” Sure, it would be convenient to be able to narrow it down further for the sake of conversation, but I think it’s honestly more interesting to have multiple things you enjoy creating and are passionate about!
Thanks for sharing your update with us!
Rachel East
ModeratorHey Samantha!
I’m so happy to hear that you’re realizing, just like I saw a couple of months ago, that you aren’t nearly as stuck as you thought you were. 😉 That’s a theme that applies to a lot of people, and I hope other PPVE-ers are coming out of this and seeing that, as well!
And yes, definitely trust your gut. 1-on-1 coaching will be here for you if and when you feel it’s time! In the mean time, keep us posted. 🙂
Rachel East
ModeratorHey Molly!
I’m glad those perspectives were helpful to you, and I’m very happy that they made your husband feel better! I think the therapist was well-intentioned, but missed the mark on this one a bit. It’s understandable why she might want to ask questions, considering she likely sees a lot of people who are using video games and TV and other things to numb out and avoid uncomfortable emotions. But that experience may have biased her somewhat (and it could totally be a generational thing too, like you said).
I think your perspective on this–“maybe it will make us think differently or help start a conversation we otherwise wouldn’t have started, but the only ones who can decide what feels right for our lives are the two of us”–is spot-on! At the end of the day, no one else can tell us how to feel about ourselves or what’s “right.” We’ve got to decide that for ourselves. I’m so glad you’re feeling solid in that!
Keep us posted! I’m sure we’ll be curious to hear how you guys end up addressing this with her, if you choose to.