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ParticipantThanks Kristen! I am glad to read that it is normal to feel impatient after getting clarity on what you want in the first place. Sometimes I feel like Veruka Salt – ‘but I want it NOWWW daddy!’ haha
I had read that blog post before but reading it again now it resonates more because of my current situation, particularly the part around fears that you can’t have your desires. There have been times when I’ve had fears around what if my partner and I never get to buy a place, or we’re infertile? What if I never get that big girl pay cheque job because the timeline will never fit? etc etc. So there’s probably some work around fears and gremlins to do there as well.
I’ll also try to remind myself of the excitement of anticipation over the longing of waiting, current gratitude and working on CDFs in the present, I think all those things will help.
Great to hear my post inspired a podcast episode! I do love the podcast 😀 I imagine it’ll have even more great tips and advice.
ParticipantHi Kristen and Rachael,
It’s been more than 6 months since I completed the PPVE and the course gave me SO much clarity around what I want and value. I’m currently enrolled in a Masters of Health Promotion degree and loving it and working part-time across 2 x jobs, one which is 2 x days a week at home and hours I can complete flexibly. These jobs are 7 out of 10s. They feel good ‘for now’ but are not forever and are a means to an end while studying.
Although I’ve gained a lot of clarity around what I want, I’m finding I’m frequently feeling frustrated and impatient about wanting a lot of things now – as in yesterday haha This feeling of frustration occasionally transitions into anxiety. Here’s what I know I ‘want’:
– Finish my Masters in Health Promotion
– Purchase my first home with my partner
– Work in a 9/10 or 10/10 job that pays me a ‘big girl’ pay cheque of $70-80k a year
– Have my first baby with my partnerFor my master degree, I completed my first trimester and loved the subjects – it was a lot of work and I felt exhausted by the end of trimester, but it feels like it’s worth it and I really want to keep going. Realistically, I can’t finish it for another 18 months.
For the first home, my partner and I have been steadily saving and are about $5-$10k away from our goal. The thing with saving for a home is it often feels like the biggest marathon and at times the finish line feels so close and yet so far away. Especially when you’re independent adults who don’t take money from family. We can be steadily saving and then bigger expenses like car repairs, dentist bills and milestone events come up – so your savings plan takes a step back again.
For my job, my current roles are not bad but I know I’m choosing to earn at least $20k a year below what I’m currently worth because that’s how much I lose on a pro-rata part-time salary. I prefer to work part-time while I’m studying rather than try to study and work full time, which I know would give me too much stress. I’m also currently subscribed to job alerts for the type of roles I’d like to apply for once I finish my masters health promotion degree, and I find myself often coming across job descriptions of roles that sound really exciting, offer great money and I feel a bit wistful I can’t just apply for them now.
For the baby front, once I turned 29 something just awakened inside me that said ‘I’m ready to have a baby.’ I want to have that little bundle on my lap and my partner is quite clucky too. He has said he’d prefer for us to buy a home first and ideally he’d even want me to have finished my masters and started a high-paying job as well before trying. At 30 we do have time to ‘beat the biological clock’ but every year goes by the desire to have a baby is just growing stronger.
Can I calm the angst and find patience? Are there any lessons or exercises I should be going back over from the course, or focus more on my CDFs? Or any strategies I haven’t thought of?
ParticipantHi everyone!
I’m am almost completely finished the PPVE, I still have a few exercises for Week 4 in the workbook to do and a few more bits and pieces in the Dream Job Bundle but I wanted to share my overall update.
I feel mine is quite ‘big picture’ and not super specific, but I wanted to share it’s amazing how much I have progressed in just six weeks. Before the PPVE I had a coaching information session with Rachel, and I remember at that time I felt so stuck and confused. I was thinking of at least six weeks of one on one coaching, but then we settled on the PPVE, with the possibility of 6 weeks of one on one coaching after that.
At the time Rachel told me I wasn’t really that stuck, just confused. It’s funny, I thought I was SO stuck that I would need months and months of coaching to figure it out – and then feared I might still be in the same place once I finished.
Well I’m pleased to say that she was right, I really wasn’t THAT stuck 🙂 I’m still processing a lot from the PPVE, but I feel like it was just what I needed. I even think I don’t necessarily need one on one coaching right now – of course a few months down the track or even later on in the future, there may be things that come up where I feel one on one coaching will be really helpful. But I’m going to trust how I feel, as in if I need one on one coaching, I will know if I need/want it by how it feels. In the same way I knew I had to do something about how stuck I felt earlier in the year and so glad I made that initial call to see what was out there.
Thanks again to both Kristen and Rachel! 🙂