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ParticipantHi Girls, Just wanted to update you on how things are going since it has been a year since I have been on here. I have since been working from home and this is what I had always wanted to do but I am finding that it’s not what it was all cracked up to be. I still feel pretty much the same way about my job as before. I am bored and uninterested in what I am doing. I like everything about my job, except for what I do. I like the security of having a job that pays well and has benefits, the company is good to it’s people and the people I work with are nice, I have autonomy and can pretty much make my own schedule, I don’t have anyone watching over my shoulder, everything I always wanted! But the actual job is BORING!! I fall asleep on a daily basis! and I hate sitting all day in front of a computer!! But now that I have had the taste of working from home I don’t want to go back to an office. I don’t even know what I would look for in another job. Maybe I just don’t want to work but I know I have to. I just have no glue what to do next but I have to do something. I have been listening to the videos on the PPVE and they make alot of sense but I find all the thinking overwhelming. I know I don’t have to love my job but I do wish I liked it or I could change my attitude about it and I have tried but it doesn’t work. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
ParticipantHi Rachel,
You are completely right and it is an ideal situation for me. The problem is the actual job is boring as heck and I fall asleep sometimes. I am so exhausted after work because my brain is fried! This job is not stimulating enough for me I guess. I just don’t know what else to do and I’m afraid of making another move for fear of not liking that either! This job has such a high level of focus that I have a hard time doing that. I’m not a people person, I don’t like dealing with them, and I don’t know what else is out there for me to do that I am qualified for. I probably would benefit from some 1:1. I’ll Have to watch for your next open coaching sign ups. Thanks.JoAnnLaMothe
ParticipantHi Girls,
Wow it’s been 4 months since I have last contacted you, time sure flies. I am starting to not like my job again and it is really bothering me. Idon’t know what to do! I like everything about my job except for the job itself. I like the company I work for, the pay, benefits, I’m at home but my job is boring!! I fall asleep and I am so tired after work from being in front of a computer all day doing the same thing over and over! Is it me?? why do I feel like I don’t like any of the jobs I get! Will I ever? how do I make this work? I need to work and with the way things are right now there is not much out there to choose from and I don’t like dealing with people, they give me anxiety! I just don’t know what to do anymore. I know I need to start the PPVE and hopefully that will help but do you have any words of wisdom for me now? I feel like this job is draining to my brain and with that it makes me not really care about it and I am afraid I will make mistakes because of it.JoAnnLaMothe
ParticipantHi Kristen and Rachel,
I just wanted to update you and also ask you a question. I had been working on the PPVE when the pandemic hit and then things had changed and it got put on the back burner. I am still in the same job as I was then but I am now working from home which has changed things for the better. I really like working from home and having the freedom to do things the way I want to with no one looking over my shoulder. The pandemic has changed alot of things in this world, but I feel like it has made us look at things differently and not take things for granted, so not all bad has come from this. I don’t mind staying at home and I actually enjoy it. I have always felt that something was wrong with me because I like to stay home but I am accepting it more that I am just an introvert and that’s ok. I don’t like going to crowded places or hangin at a bar, I’m not a social butterfly at all. That is not to say that I don’t like going places but I just like more laid back activities like camping and hiking and being in nature. Anyway as much as I enjoy working from home the work I am doing is not that exciting to me and I get bored easy. I also don’t feel that I am very good at it. What I do is Medical Coding and what that is basically is taking the Dr’s notes from an office visit and putting it into codes to submit to the ins company so they know how to charge for the visit. It can be very complicating and at times boring but it pays well and the benefits are good. I know it just takes time to learn a new skill and as I learn more I will get more confident at it as I have only been in this for almost 1 year but I feel like if this was something for me that I should be better at it. I like everything about my job, the company, pay, flexibility in hours, working from home, the people are nice, but the actual job itself is not exciting at all and in fact sometimes I actually fall asleep at my desk! I am wondering if this is for me or do I just have to change my attitude about it. I don’t think I am going to find anything like what I got especially with the way things are today. I’m not looking for a career perse, just a way to make money to live and fund my life after work at this point in my life. I plan on continuing to work on the PPVE and maybe that will help me look at things differently but if you have any words of wisdom for me I would greatly appreciate it.JoAnnLaMothe
ParticipantHi Girls,
I have to be honest in that I haven’t been working on the program lately but it doesn’t mean that I haven’t been thinking about all the information I listened to in the videos. It has made me think about alot things differently. First of all with being a Thriver I feel like I will probably never find the “perfect job” because my passion is something that I want to keep as my passion. I tried making it my career and it didn’t work out. However I stayed in same industry (HealthCare) and I am goign to try and make this work. I have changed oragnizations which helped alot in that the one I am working for is a better match for me and my values. The worst thing about the job I have right now is that I am sitting in front of a computer all day and I am the type of person that likes to be moving and staying fit. I wanted to be in the Health and Fitness field originally, that is my passion. But that isn’t the perfect field either. I would have to work weekends, nights and whenever they would need me and I was not willing to do that. I like my 6-2:30 M-F no weekends job. With recent events of being Quarantined I had the opportunity to work from home nad I am loving it! I even like my job better! I can schedule my own day and I am in control of my time. It is exactly what I wanted and what I was working towards. I feel very fortunate especially with the way things are going today. I have the security of job and health insurance and hopefully a retirement. Even though it is not my passion, it is an ideal situation for me especially being an introvert, I love staying home and I workout at home too! I know they say that it is important to have that social connection but I am completely content with just my husband and my dog,lol. I will definitely continue working on the program and see what else I can discover about myself but for now I am finally happy the way things are and it is because I was able to come home and work. I think my GAIL of thinking that i have to be good at everything I do is what causes me problems. I feel like if I don’t get things right away that maybe it’s not for me or I’m worried that I am going to be let go for not being good enough. I want to be good and learn all I can about my job but I that comes with experience and I don’t give myself time for learning I think. Anyway thanks for this program it has really been an eye openeer for me and I love your podcasts too. Any thoughts or suggestions for me would be greatly appreciated. I was also wondering if we are still avle to email you in the futre if we have a question about anything? Have a great weekend and stay safe:)JoAnnLaMothe
ParticipantI am still working on my CDF’s but I do know that some of them are being met with my current job. The thing with my current job is it provides me with the flexibility, freedom, security, and autonomy that is important to me but the actual work is not engaging or stimulating to me at all. I even fall asleep sometimes. I work by myself in a space smaller than my walk-in closet. I have no one to talk with but I can listen to music. My goal is to work from home but to get to that goal I have to meet a quality and productivity guideline and keep it up and I don’t like that about the job either. I am a Thriver and I have some Fire Starter in me too but I have no desire to start my own business.I feel I am too old to be starting over (I know a limiting belief)and I don’t have any ambition to start over.I hate the thought of even going to an interview! I just don’t know how to apply my CDF’s to my career if I’m a thriver, and with my current job meeting so many of the things that are important to me, how do I change my attitude about the job? It reminds me of the story Kristen tells of her job that had so many nice perks but she hated the job, that is exactly how I am feeling. I originally went into this with the idea of just trying it to see if I liked it and I do like the perks but not the job. I do have a hard time at the thought of taking a lower paying job because it just doesn’t make sense to me. For some reason I have in my head that I should be lucky to have a job and nobody really “likes” their job! I am at the age where I need to save for retirement in the next 10 years and get some bills paid off so I feel like I need to just suck it up. But I honestly feel like I want to crawl out of my skin some days because the job is so monotnous. Other people seem to love this field and have been trying to get a job in it for a long time and I can’t see the reason why other than you can work from home. But I’m begining to wonder if that will make a difference. I just don’t know what the answer is. The jobs that I have had in the past have been eliminated due to technology and the types of jobs I liked involved moving around, having a variety of tasks that I could make my own schedule to get done, working independently but yet having co-workers. I like the feeling of completing something, and I like helping people but not in a customer service type of way where they are going to come to me to complain. I am having a hard time identifying my CDF’s, I think I am thinking too hard. If you can identify any for me from what I have told you that would be very helpful for me.
ParticipantHi Rachel,
I completely agree with you and thank you for validating my feelings. I know I worry too much about what other people think about me and I do what I think is expected of me and not what I really want to do. I know my older sister’s voice is in my head too saying things and judging me for my choices and that has an effect on me also. I guess you could say she is one of my gremlins, lol. I know I have alot of work to do and I really appreciate your help. This program and your podcasts has really opened my mind and has made me think of things I have never thought of before and has also put me at ease with some things because I feel like someone finally gets me and I’m not crazy for thinking how I do. So thank you for that and the work you do. I look forward to working through this program and figuring out what I want to do (or not do) when I grow up:)JoAnnLaMothe
ParticipantI am still working on my CDF’s but I did listen to the week 3 content and found it very interesting. My parents come from the time of the great depression where there was little money and you ate everything on your plate, and you shut the lights off when you left a room and you didn’t stand there with the refrigerator door open too long and you didn’t waste water by running it too long. So of course that is how I grew up which now I look back and think that wasn’t such a bad thing to learn because now a days kids don’t know the value of money or the simple things that we take for granted that we should be more conservative on. I was never taught about money as a kid and I was never encouraged to go to college or be anything. I met my husband when I was young and all I wanted to do was get married and start a family and that is what I did and I don’t regret it at all. When I was a teenager the local newspaper had an article called “Todays Teen” and they did it on me for my art project and they had asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up and I said ” be a good wife and mother” and I meant it! I had some family members make fun of me for that and it made me feel bad at the time. But if you were to ask me that question again today I would say the same thing. I feel my best when I can take care of my family and keep everything running smoothly. I know there must be a CDF in that somewhere but I haven’t figured that out yet. I know balance is a CDF because I wish I could work part time so I could have time to do everything I like to do but I don’t feel worthy of that. I feel like I should have to contribute to the financial needs of the household too.
ParticipantI just went back over week 1 information and tried the gremlin exercise and I am having a little trouble with it in the sense that I agree with some of what the gremlin is saying. How do I get past that? Also I wanted say that I can totally relate to the person you are talking about in your discussion ( a friend of a friend) who likes their job when they first start but then shortly there after is ready to find another job. I have done that within my organization by changeing positions every few years. If I feel like people don’t like me or if I’m not doing a good job I want to leave. I realized that I haven’t felt accepted by my peers since I was in grade school. I would do anything to be accepted. I never understood why people didn’t like me, I felt I was a nice person. But for some reason they didn’t seem to like me and it was mainly girls. Needless to say I didn’t have many friends and I think that is where my social anxiety stems from. I just assume people probably won’t like me when I first meet them because it seems like that is how it always goes. I guess that is one of my “assumptions”, but it is true. I don’t know how to change these thoughts to being not true when I have had past experiences that say otherwise.
ParticipantHi Kristen,
I will try asking the universe again to clarify if this is a fit for me. I feel in my gut that it’s not but I don’t know what to do, I need to work! It is understandable now that I hear you say that a Thriver does not like pressure because I sure don’t! I didn’t want to have to think this hard either! I do medical coding and I went into this because I was in the field already and I was looking for a change so I thought I would try this. I should have known better because I hated the online classes that I had to take to get my certification but I figured it was better than going back to school for a degree. I am not a school person. Even though I am in the training phase I hate making mistakes and feeling like I am the only one who doesn’t get or has a hard time with it. I feel like my Lead is probably annoyed with me and thinks I shouldn’t be doing this. I know that is my gremlins speaking but I don’t know how to quiet him because I feel it’s true. I have a hard time convincing myself otherwise and I worry about what people think of me. I wish I could get to a place where I don’t care but I’m not there. I worry about when people judge me or my abilities, that is where my social anxiety comes in and I believe that is what holds me back from alot of things. I have been working on this most my life so far and have tried many different things with no real resolution or relief but I am hoping with this course that will all change. I don’t want to be dealing with this the rest of my life.