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  • in reply to: PPVE Grads – Share your updates & stay connected #4091

    Thanks for the encouragement and ideas! I definitely need to follow through with myself when I say that I want to paint more. It’s almost harder to follow through on my own values than it is to let other “higher priority” items take the lead. I like what Kristen mentioned about doing a monthly studio day, almost like it’s a workshop that I’m attending, but just with myself. I think I just need to write it down and stick to it! I usually tell myself I”ll have time to paint on the weekends, but then things crop up…someone wants to meet for lunch, this errand became a high priority…and then I realize the weekend is over!

    in reply to: PPVE Grads – Share your updates & stay connected #4090

    Thanks so much for your response.
    I guess I’ve had a hard time finding those Thriver-friendly job. It seems that almost every post I see says something along the lines of “fun, fast-paced environment” or “must be able to thrive in a fast-paced, multi-faceted environment.” To me that screams “RUN!” because that is what I am in right now and it is stressful and draining, no matter what limits I set for myself. I am also trying to just lean back (sorry Cheryl Sandburg), but I do not have the desire to be a strong leader or to be entertaining customers every other night and my current environment is really pushing us into that lately. I guess that’s why I feel like I have to explain why I’m taking a step back – in my mind stress = prestige. So that means that in my mind, you can’t have a decent job without the stress. I guess that’s GAILs coming into play. But your response shows that it’s possible to say that to a potential employer without sounding selfish or lazy. If I am tired and burnt out, I’m not going to be giving 100% at my job – which is exactly what is happening now.
    Based on my experience so far, I think horticulture is something I’m interested in, but maybe isn’t a good career choice. I like to think about related options like being a florist, but then I think about how unflexible that would be – having no time on weekends for the entirety of wedding season. I’m somewhat interested in a support role, but I think it would be better if it was something I’m slightly interested in at the least (like an admin/coordinator for the state natural resources or something. But that’s a hard combination to find and get into a completely different field in one step.
    I definitely love the creative workshop idea. I think it wouldn’t be as easy to let little errands add up until the entire weekend is gone. I’m going to do that in a couple weeks when my boyfriend is at a conference and I’ll see how it goes.

    As always, thanks for the continued encouragement!

    in reply to: PPVE Grads – Share your updates & stay connected #4083

    Hi Rachel & Kristen (and everyone!),

    It’s been a while and I just logged on to see if people are still posting so I figured I’d give a quick update.

    Well, I’m still in my current job, but taking baby steps – I definitely had hoped I’d be further along by now, but I’m also trying to go easy on myself and recognize that this is going to take time. I have made strides to improve my life outside of work which definitely have helped!

    I’ve applied for some jobs but not a ton (maybe 15 since January). I find it really hard to find time to apply – usually when I get home I have a headache from looking at a screen all day, so the last thing I want to do is look at my computer some more. And weekends are usually when we have fun things planned (and errands), so it’s hard to squeeze in.

    I am also still struggling with what direction to go in; I still feel strongly that my work has to be my passion so I keep looking for plant/horticulture roles even though after the PPVE I think I should find a remote or admin/support-type role. I feel like my resume is geared towards horticulture/landscape, but I’m trying to take a step back to a more thriver-friendly admin role. I tried the skills resume, but think I need to make it even more generic. I’m also not sure how to address any potential interview questions about why I am changing industries or why I want to “take a step back” career-wise. I don’t know how to be honest in saying I just want a job I can do and feel good about, but still have time for my life. How do I tell potential employers my career is not my number one priority in life without sounding lazy?

    I did have an interview and an offer, but it would have been a massive pay cut, fewer benefits & no health coverage, and no more flexibility than I have now. The only benefit would have been doing something not in an office and more directly working with plants, so I turned it down. I didn’t want my desperation to land me in a job where I’d be just as unhappy with less money.

    I’ve also been toying (again) with the idea of starting my own side business. I want to start selling my paintings on Etsy and I heard about this thing called art licensing where you give retailers the rights to print your work on their products. I just feel like it’s a catch-22 – I’m risk-averse so I don’t want to quit my job and just jump in, but I paint very infrequently due to limited time and stress from work, so I can’t really start until I have some quality original paintings that are worth selling. I definitely need to work on cutting back my Netflix consumption and using that time to paint. Maybe I’m just making excuses to protect myself from possible failure, but I would just love to have some long blocks of uninterrupted time to paint and I never seem to get those – life’s more “urgent” items always seem to be prioritized.

    Anyways, sorry for writing so much. Thanks for reading and I hope everyone else is doing well on their journey!

    in reply to: PPVE Grads – Share your updates & stay connected #3123


    As always, thank you for your thoughtful response. An objective opinion is always so helpful for me as I tend to get wrapped up in things quite easily.

    I agree that I am probably putting too much pressure on myself to find something yesterday, and that causes a lot of anxiety. I feel like I’m in a bit of a catch-22. I just feel so mentally drained all the time that it’s hard to motivate myself to do things that I actually enjoy (and will get me into alignment – like yoga or painting). Most days I just want to go home, eat junk food, and watch Netflix or just sleep. So, in a way, I feel like I can’t get into alignment while I’m still in my current situation. Maybe I have a bigger problem that can’t be solved here, but I’ve done some therapy in the last year and found that to be of little help. I sometimes just feel like I can’t handle the same level of “life” that others can. I’m constantly overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done. I wish I could just hit a pause button and have a month to “catch up.” I think this is why I’m so out of alignment and why, when I do search for jobs, I have no idea where to focus my attention and get easily flustered.

    I have definitely given some thought to the bridge job idea. I think it might be the way to go for me, but even then I have no idea what to look for in order know that I won’t be just as miserable in my bridge job as I am now. I’d really love to find something I could do from home, as I think that would help give me the space I need to feel more in alignment and have time to fit in exercise. I’d also be interested in a part-time job as a bridge job option (I do have a decent amount saved up), but then I worry about the lack of insurance.

    In the meantime, I’m researching more online masters programs in conservation and even requested some information from an online program that works in conjunction with the zoo here in Denver. It’s exciting to read about the program, so that’s good I guess. I’ll keep researching and hopefully will get more information from the program.

    Thanks again.

    in reply to: PPVE Grads – Share your updates & stay connected #3121

    Hi everyone,

    I need help. I have had a hard time finding a direction to go after the PPVE. I have been trying to look for remote or flexible jobs that are a support role, but I haven’t really found anything that sounds exciting yet, so I haven’t applied for anything. I went on a vacation last week, and while it was fabulous while I was there, since getting back I have been even more confused and depressed than before. I thought I would feel better having a complete break from work, but coming back has been very disheartening this week and I have no motivation. I am afraid I’m going to get myself in trouble with all of my procrastination and googling. I’ve been super anxious and just the thought of going to work for one more day gets me down. I even had a mini-anxiety attack on Monday and started hyperventilating. 

    I’m even more confused now because when I was on vacation, we spent some time in the jungle in Belize. It was the most incredible place and it reminded me of how much I used to care about animals and the environment. I even was brought to tears at one point thinking about how I was heading down that path (in college started in Natural Resources, but switched out), but chose another path because I was worried about making money and having a “real” job. I feel like I abandoned something that I really care about in exchange for materialism. Now I am just confused. I have been looking at some online master’s programs in conservation biology, but I don’t want to continue in my current job if I were to do an online program on the side. I have looked for some environmental/nature jobs on job boards, but feel like there is not much in my current location (I live in Colorado, how are there not wildlife jobs?). And I’m also confused because I do still love the idea of a work-from-home situation or more flexible hours. I just don’t know how to find a combination of these things.

    Am I too focused on making my job my source of passion (I am a Thriver, but now my love of animals just seems to be in better perspective)? Do I just need to find volunteer projects and a part time job? Would I be able to make enough money? The thought of the master’s degree is exciting to me, but I’m nervous about the cost and how I would support myself during the program and what I would do when I graduate. On top of all of that, I don’t know what geographical location to look for a job and am afraid of getting one too far away from my current apartment, but I know that my boyfriend would like to move closer to his work in the next six months. I don’t want to find a job closer to his work until we live closer because I don’t think I could mentally handle the extra commute (we live much closer to my current job). But I don’t want to stay in my current role for another day. I guess I just feel like I’m going in circles and any kind of support would be great. Sorry for rambling and thanks to anyone that takes the time to read this.

    in reply to: PPVE Grads – Share your updates & stay connected #3089

    Thanks for your continued support, Rachel! I will definitely check out some support/coordinator roles.

    in reply to: PPVE Grads – Share your updates & stay connected #3078

    Hey everyone,

    I’m really sad the PPVE is officially over, but I still love to hear about everyone’s progress! It’s so inspiring when I’m feeling hopeless. I hope I can keep my momentum up and “schedule” weekly time to focus on research, etc. Also, I’ve started on the reading list with Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, and the Desire Map (and I got the 2018 planner!). I’ve been loving Brene Brown especially. She really hits the nail on the head!

    Anyways, a quick little update:
    I have been doing quick 10-minute job searches using my very unspecific verbs/phrases without much luck so far. It’s hard not to feel discouraged when you’re really wanting to change situations yesterday, but I’m trying my best just to “observe” and be patient. One “opening” I have thought of lately is something involving travel. I love travelling as a hobby and I could happily spend hours researching a destination and the best places to go. I am also super detail-oriented and love to put together schedules and itineraries! I seriously put together this huge itinerary with all the vital info for a trip my boyfriend and I are taking in two weeks (Belize!!). It also seems like something I could easily do from HOME or with flexible hours, which is something I really, really want! Since learning that I’m a Thriver, I’ve struggled with the idea of completely detaching my passions from my work; I don’t want to do a soul-sucking job that is menial and boring (like admin) just to pay the bills (entire reason I signed up for the PPVE!). I want to do something that I am interested in and that I’m good at and is not draining, but also leaves time for my life. This seems like a good combo of something that interests me or I would find engaging, but is also actually useful. I do have a lot of GAILs are coming up here, but I’m trying to push through: Do people even use travel agents anymore? Do I really need to spend money on more education, or is that a waste? Would anyone even hire me without direct experience? Would I be able to make money as an employee, because I don’t want to own my own business (learned that the hard way – twice)? Anyways, I’m going to keep researching and maybe I should see if I could do an informational interview with someone.

    That’s all for now! Best of luck to EVERYONE!!! And Kristen & Rachel & Amy, THANK YOU SO MUCH! This experience has been very eye opening in so many ways. It was way different than I was expecting and in all the best ways! I have learned a lot about myself and think I will continue the learning process as I explore the reading list. So much great food for thought! 

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