Reply To: Introduce Yourself

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Hi Everyone
I’m a little late in introducing myself. I’m a PPVE alum from 2 years ago, I’m a Firethriver and INFP. I wanted to go through this course again because it was (along with a couple of conversations with Rachel and also the podcast) a lifeline and life changer for me at a particularly difficult time in my life. Not to go into all the details here but to say that going through the course began to change things for me, began to shift a dark time into a hopeful one and continues to do so. I’m of an older generation than most folks here, and I can really say that age has nothing to do with how this coaching stuff works because what I see now is that it’s about that amorphous golden blob! Your life force, your essence and your vitality that oftentimes gets so covered over in this world of ours due to incorrect information and just generally poor input, or no input from our environments (education, work, people around you, etc). For me, this feeling of being too old was definitely a gremlin! The feeling of being too old, too far behind, too anything will no doubt come upon me again, and yet I feel that it has less of a grip on me because I know that I can move forward with small shifts and feeling supported by ConF and others that are going through some tough times while wanting to change things too. This course helped me to find some clarity and it’s an ongoing process, checking in with what really aligns with what I need from moment to moment, day to day. It’s worth it to find out who you really are and who you want to be and what’s possible for each of us.
Not always easy but worth the exploration.