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Hi Everyone!
I’m Dianna, and I’m excited to be starting this journey with you! I’m a Thriver, and I’d say that taking the Passion Profile Quiz was the most invigorating thing to happen in my “What should I do with my life?” struggle. I finally had words to describe what I was thinking and feeling and that made me feel so hopeful. It was so relieving to know that other people don’t know how to answer the “What’s your passion and what do you want to do with it?” question!
I’m an elementary school teacher, going on my 9th year in my own classroom and about 14 years in education in general. Teaching is a difficult job, and while it’s very rewarding, I’m simply burned out. At the beginning of the school year, I told myself this would be my last year in the classroom mostly to motivate myself. I’ve been at my current school for 6 years, and I absolutely love the people I work with. I know that if I worked somewhere else, I would have left the classroom earlier. I started telling all my friends (not coworkers) that this was my last year in the classroom to have some accountability and to keep myself talking about it. I reached out a few months ago for one-on-one coaching, but I wasn’t quite ready to dive in. I knew I had the holidays and a 2 week vacation in Thailand to look forward to, so I told myself the “What should I do with my life?” work would begin in January. Earlier this week, I realized it was almost February and I hadn’t done anything. I found myself reading the email about this course and decided this was going to be my first step.
I’m a naturally self-reflective person, and I’ve done a lot of work on figuring out who I am and what I’m looking for in life. I don’t want my job to be meaningless or boring, but I don’t need it to be the center of my world. I know I want to have children (hopefully soon), and I want more flexibility and less stress in my life so I can be my best self. I’m not naturally good at self-care, so it’s been very easy for me to put all my energy into my work, and I’m just not interested in doing that anymore. Throughout high school and college I always thought I was going to be a therapist because it matched my personality and natural talents. After college I worked as a therapist in 2 different capacities and felt overwhelmed by the responsibility and I questioned whether I could be happy doing that as my daily job. I had an “Oh SH*T!” freak out because I now had no idea what I wanted to do. One of my bosses suggested teaching and that got me thinking. It seemed to fit a lot of what I thought I wanted out of my career, and off I went. I’ve often wondered if I should have continued on that path, or if I should go back to it now, but I’m worried that I will be exchanging one stressful and draining job for another.
My biggest fear right now is not being able to find something that makes enough money. I already don’t make a ton of money and I would have to drastically change my lifestyle if I made any less. I live in Los Angeles and have no desire to move away, so I need to make at least what I make now to maintain things. I’m hoping that this course will put me on a path to finding a career that is interesting, fulfilling, but more importantly, allows me to start a family and enjoy my life.
I think that’s everything! Oh, years ago I took a Myers-Briggs and I was an ENFJ. I remember laughing because the career suggestions were therapist and teacher…yeah, I know!